Year: 2000
Used 2000 Stainless steel vessel ApS Process vessel

2000 Stainless steel vessel ApS Process vessel

Horizontal cylindric process vessel in stainless steel with centershaft with blades for slowly mi...
Year: 2002
Used 2002 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

2002 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

Stainless steel mobile vessel with 3 wheels. Volume 390 liter. Flat bottom with treaded pipe outl...
Year: 2002
Used 2002 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

2002 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

3 x stainless steel vessels with around 430 liter volume each. The 3 vessels have 3 wheels each. ...
Year: 1999
Used 1999 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

1999 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

Stainless steel vessel with lid. Volume 465 liter. Flat bottom outlet via 3” treaded pipe. Mounte...
Year: 1990
Used 1990 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

1990 Stainless steel vessel ApS Small mobile vessel

2 x stainless steel mobile vessels with around 510 liter volume. Bottom outlet with treaded 3” pi...
Year: 1990
Used 1990 Stainless steel vessel ApS Powder collecting vessel

Stainless steel vessel ApS Powder collecting vessel

Used as a collecting vessel for milk powder from two powder silos.